2020 AAFP Feline Retrovirus Testing and Management Guidelines – Special Article

Publicado em: 29/09/2022

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2020) 22, 5–30

Clinical importance: Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infections are found in cats worldwide. Both infections are associated with a variety of clinical signs and can impact quality of life and longevity. Scope: This document is an update of the 2008 American Association of Feline Practitioners’ feline retrovirus management guidelines and represents current knowledge on pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of retrovirus infections in cats. Testing and interpretation: Although vaccines are available for FeLV in many countries and for FIV in some countries, identification of infected cats remains an important factor for preventing new infections. The retrovirus status of every cat at risk of infection should be known. Cats should be tested as soon as possible after they are acquired, following exposure to an infected cat or a cat of unknown infection status, prior to vaccination against FeLV or FIV, and whenever clinical illness occurs. It might not be possible to determine a cat’s infection status based on testing at a single point in time; repeat testing using different methods could be required. Although FeLV and FIV infections can be associated with clinical disease, some infected cats, especially those infected with FIV, can live for many years with good quality of life. Management of infected cats: There is a paucity of data evaluating treatments for infected cats, especially antiretroviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Management of infected cats is focused on effective preventive healthcare strategies, and prompt identification and treatment of illness, as well as limiting the spread of infection


Susan Little DVM, DABVP (Feline)Co-Chair* Bytown Cat Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Julie LevyDVM, PhD, DACVIM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine) Co-ChairMaddie’s Shelter Medicine Program, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Katrin Hartmann Dr Med Vet, Dr Habil, DECVIM-CAClinic of Small Animal Medicine, Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany

Regina Hofmann-Lehmann Dr Med Vet, Dr Habil, FVHClinical Laboratory, Department of Clinical Diagnostics and Services, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Margaret Hosie BVM&S, MRCVS, BSc, PhDMRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Resear

Glenn Olah DVM, PhD, DABVP (Feline)Albuquerque Cat Clinic, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Kelly St DenisMSc, DVM, DABVP (Feline)Charing Cross Cat Clinic, Brantford, ON, Canada

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

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